Taro chips are a healthy alternative to potato chips. They are light, crisp and do not make you feel guilty while you munch on them. Use them as a conversation starter, as a side to tacos and burritos and also an alternative to butter or caramel popcorn while you enjoy a movie. It tastes great when served with guacamole as a dip and they can be flavored as well. But before you start munching them and you forget about your health, here is a summary of the nutritional value these chips hold for you and also the calories that they will add to your system.
A pack of 10 chips in the original flavor from the Hawaiian Chip Company has 150 calories and adds 7 gm weight to your body. The calorie and fat content remains the same even when you opt for the zesty garlic flavor taro chips of the same company.
1 oz of taro chips of the Atebara company has 140 calories and adds 8 gm fat to your body.
10 Terra taro chips also amount to 150 calories and 7 gm fat. Though these are healthy alternatives to potato chips, you still need to watch your step while you eat them.
The good thing about these chips is that they do not have any cholesterol content in them and that way it will not harm the heart. But these chips do not have vitamins and calcium. They only have a small content of iron in them. Since salt is used to flavor these chips, they are high on Sodium content.
Much as one would expect that these chips will be fat free and really healthy as they are being pitted as the healthy alternative to potato chips, the fact remains that a lot of lard and oil is used to make them and they will be manifested in the form of fat and calories.