How Many Calories in Nonfat Milk

Most people prefer sticking to nonfat milk as the fat content in it is minimal and also it contains comparatively lesser calorie content. You may consume plain nonfat milk or go for more nutritious nonfat milk available in the market. The information about calorie content in a few popular varieties of nonfat milk is given in detail in this article.

One cup of nonfat milk contains 86 calories out of which 54% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 41% come from proteins and the remaining 5% are obtained from fat. One oz of nonfat milk contains 10 calories, 100 grams contains a total of 86 calories and one quart of nonfat milk has 343 calories.


Many people go for a healthier substitute of the plain nonfat milk that is nonfat milk with vitamin A, which is more nutritious. One cup of nonfat milk with vitamin A contains a total of 83 calories of which 56% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 42% calories come from proteins and the remaining 2% come from fat. One oz of nonfat milk with added vitamin A contains 10 calories, 100 ml contains 35 calories and 1 quart has a total of 333 calories.

Nonfat milk with vitamin A and protein is also available. One cup of this variety of nonfat milk contains 101 calories of which 52% calories come from carbohydrates, 43% come from proteins and the remaining 5% are obtained from fat. One oz of nonfat milk with added vitamin A and protein contains a total of 12 calories, 100 grams contains 41 calories and one quart contains 403 calories.

Nonfat milk is also available in its dry form. One cup of dry nonfat milk contains as many as 434 calories of which 56% come from carbohydrates, 42% come from proteins and merely 2% from fat.