How Many Calories in Wine Spritzer

Wine Spritzer comes in quite a few varieties and the calorie content, carbohydrate content, sodium content and other micronutrients in each of these varieties is different. The number of calories in this drink is considered to be low in comparison to various other drinks. The calorie content in a few Wine Spritzer varieties is given below in detail.

One Wine Spritzer drink contains a total of 73 calories out of which 98% of the calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 2% calories come from proteins. The total sodium content in it is 16 mg, potassium content in it is 88 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 2.38 grams, sugar content is 0.69 grams and protein content in it is 0.06 grams.


One fl oz of Wine Spritzer without ice contains 14 calories. The total sodium content in an equal quantity of Wine Spritzer is 3 mg, potassium content in it is 17 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 0.47 grams, sugar content in it is 0.14 grams and protein content in it is 0.01 gram. 100 grams of Wine Spritzer contains a total of 50 calories. It contains 1.63 grams of carbohydrate content and 0.04 grams of protein content. The calorie content in it depends to some extent on the quantity of ice added to it. The number of calories may lower down on adding ice to Wine Spritzer.

Wish Bone’s Red Wine Mist Salad Spritzers are also quite popular. One cup salad serving of Red Wine Mist Salad Spritzers available from Wish-Bone contains a total of 10 calories. Out of these 10 calories 69% of the calories come from fat and the remaining 31% calories come from carbohydrates. None of the calories in it are obtained from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in it is 1 gram and so is the fat content.