How Many Calories in Lentil Beans

Lentil beans are considered quite healthy and are equally tasteful. There are different methods used to prepare this delicious vegetable and the calorie content in it varies based on the way it is prepared. Also the number of calories in raw lentil beans is different from that in its cooked form. Here is a look at the calorie content in different forms and preparation of lentil beans.

One cup of raw lentil beans weighing around 192 grams contains a total of 678 calories out of which 18 calories are obtained from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of raw lentil beans is 2 grams of which 0.3 grams is saturated fat content, 0.4 gram is monounsaturated fat content and 1 gram is polyunsaturated fat content. The total carbohydrate content in it is 115.4 grams, protein content in it is 49.5 grams and sodium content in it is 12 mg. It also contains a good amount of iron and some amount of vitamin C, calcium and certain other essential vitamins and minerals.


 On boiling the calorie content of this vegetable goes down. One cup of boiled lentil beans weighing around 198 grams contains a total of 226 calories. Out of these 226 calories merely 7 calories are obtained from fat.

Organic lentil beans, especially the ones available from Westbrae Natural are also quite popular. Half a cup serving of Organic lentil beans available from Westbrae Natural weighing around 130 grams contains a total of 100 calories out of which 68% of the calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 32% calories are obtained from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of organic lentil beans is 17 grams and the total protein content in it is 8 grams. It also contains some amount of vitamin C, iron, calcium and certain other essential vitamins and minerals.