How many Calories in Sharon Fruit

Sharon fruit is a form of Persimmon and is an edible fruit which can be eaten in whole form or can also be cooked in certain ways. Sharon fruit can be added in salads or used in certain recipes as well. If you are someone who likes to eat Sharon fruit, then you must be aware of the number of calories that are present in a Sharon fruit. Infact knowing about the health benefits of Sharon fruit is also important. To find out more about Sharon fruit, please refer to the following given information:

1 oz which is 28 grams of Sharon fruit contains 20 calories. Out of these 20 calories, 2% come from total carbohydrates and 1% comes from the dietary fiber content.

Calories in Sharon Fruit

Frieda’s is a company which sells many fruits in canned form. One fruit which this company manufacturers and sells is the Sharon fruit. 1 serving which is about 140 grams of Sharon fruit sold by Frieda’s contains about 100 calories. Out of these 100 calories, 20% has been contributed by the dietary fiber content and 9% of it comes from the total carbohydrate content. Some of the good points associated with Frieda’s Sharon fruit are that it is rich in the dietary fiber content and has got a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C content as well. The nutrition grade given to this Sharon fruit is A-.

Mellissa’s Sharon fruit is a variety of Sharon fruit that is sold by Mellissa’s company. 1 piece of Sharon fruit sold by this company contains 120 calories and on the nutrition scale, it has been given B grade.10% of these 120 calories come from the total carbohydrates whereas 8% come from the dietary fiber content. Some of the good points are that there is a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C in this Sharon fruit variety.