How Many Calories in Fish Chowder

Fish chowder is a kind of chowder which is made using cod, salmon and other types of fish. Fish chowder may also consist of a variety of other side ingredients such as potatoes, corn, carrots, onion, garlic, bacon etc. The number of calories present in fish chowder depends upon the different ingredients used and the amount of those ingredients put in. Fish chowder is available in packaged form or served fresh at restaurants. You can read the following information about the caloric content of fish chowder.

Calories in Fish Chowder

Snow’s is a popular company which is known for the fish chowder that it manufactures and sells. This fish chowder is sold in the form of canned packing. ½ cup of this fish chowder weighs a total of 121 grams and as far as the calories are concerned, this ½ cup contains 80 calories. out of the total 80 calories, 3% of the calories come from total fat, 5% of the calories come from cholesterol, 26% of the calories are contributed by the amount of sodium present and 3% of the calories come from total carbohydrates. This fish chowder also contains about 7 grams of protein. The good points associated with Snow’s fish chowder are that it contains no saturated fat and no sugar content. But on the flipside, the very high amount of sodium present in it makes it a little unhealthy to eat.

Fish chowder can also be made at home, 1 cup of which contains 193.2 calories. Out of these calories, 8% come from total fats, 12% come from saturated fat, 19% come from cholesterol, 23% come from sodium, 20% come from potassium and 4% come from carbohydrates. The remaining calories are as a result of 3% dietary fiber and 47% protein content. The high amount of protein and potassium are the two good points about this fish chowder.