Vindaloo Chicken is a dish which originated in India and is really fiery spicy to taste. In this dish, chicken is served in a hot Indian curry which is generally cooked in parts of Maharashtra. This dish can be made at home by following a simple recipe and is also found in several Indian restaurants all across the world. To know about its health and nutrition benefits and disadvantages and to find out about the number of calories present in it, you can go through the following information:
1 serving of a home cooked Vindaloo Chicken contains a lot of calories. The exact amount might vary but generally it contains about 400 calories of which as many as 31% come from total fat content. Totally carbohydrates are responsible for contributing as much as 3% calories. The high amount of fat content makes this dish quite heavy on the belly and tends to add weight. Thus it is recommended that people who are trying to lose weight should avoid Vindaloo Chicken. The good thing through about this chicken is that it contains a lot of protein.
Waitrose is a brand which prepares and sells Vindaloo Chicken. 1 pack which weighs about 340 grams of this chicken contains a whopping 1353 calories! Out of these calories, 7% come from total carbohydrates, 26% come from total fat content and 14% come from dietary fiber content. The really high calorie content makes this variant of the dish highly unhealthy to eat. But the fact that protein is present in generous quantities makes it a slight bit better.
Trader’s Joe is another company to sell Vindaloo Chicken and the nutrition grade given to it is D because 1 serving (313 grams) contains 290 calories of which 25% comes from sodium. High sodium quantity makes this dish unhealthy.