How many Calories in Egg Mcmuffin

Egg Mcmuffin is a breakfast item that can make anybody’s mouth go watery. Egg Mcmuffin are really delicious in taste and can be easily found at a lot of fast food outlets or restaurants. But generally Egg Mc Muffins are high on calorie and low on nutritional value, though the calorie count and nutritional value may vary depending upon the outlet or restaurant preparing it. If you want to know more about this, then you will find the following part of the article extremely useful.

Calories in Egg Mcmuffin

Mc Donald’s is one of the most popular fast food chains to prepare yummy Egg McMuffins. 1 sandwich which weighs about 139 g has 300 calories and has been given a C grade in terms of its nutritional value. The shocking fact is that out of these 300 calories, about 87% are contributed by cholesterol and 34% comes from sodium, thus making it harmful for the health if consumed on a regular basis.

Thomas’s light multi grain English muffin contains 100 calories out of which 32% comes from dietary fiber, 8% comes from total carbohydrates, 7% from cholesterol and 2% from total fat. This particular muffin has been given grade A- and the good points associated with it are that it is low on cholesterol and high on dietary fiber.

English muffin with egg, bacon and cheese consists of about 303 calories and has been given a nutritional grade B-.the cholesterol content in one sandwich is about 77% of the 303 calories whereas the sodium content is about 32%.dietary fiber also constitutes about 2% and this can be counted as one of the negative points about an English muffin with egg, bacon and cheese. Inspite of the high calorie count, some of the good points about this egg muffin are high quantity of thiamin and high quantity of selenium.