How Many Calories in Cauliflower Salad

Cauliflower salad is a kind of a salad which uses cauliflower as its main ingredient. Cauliflower salads are of many types depending upon the type of other ingredients or dressings used in it. The number of calories that are present in a cauliflower salad may totally be dependent upon the quantity of ingredients used, method of preparation and type of ingredients used. Different restaurants or companies make different kinds of cauliflower salads and hence the health benefits and calorie content varies. Given below is a detailed write up about cauliflower salad:

Calories in Cauliflower Salad


Ryan’s Steakhouse is a company that is known to prepare a delicious cauliflower salad which is known as broccoli and cauliflower salad with raisins. 1 oz of this particular salad contains 50 calories out of which 5% come from total fat, 5% come from saturated fat, 2% comes from cholesterol, 4% comes from sodium, 1% comes from total carbohydrates and 4% is contributed by dietary fiber. The low amount of sodium as well as saturated fat is a point which can be considered good about this salad. Infact even the cholesterol content is quite low in Ryan’s Steakhouse broccoli and cauliflower salad with raisins, making it quite healthy to eat.

Ryan’s Steakhouse makes another type of cauliflower salad which is known as broccoli and cauliflower salad with ranch. This salad contains 29 calories in 1 oz quantity.3% of these 29 calories come from total fat, 5% of the calories come from saturated fat, 2% of the calories come from sodium and 4% of the calories come from dietary fiber content. Even in this salad, the amount of saturated fat and sodium is quite low and this is a positive feature about it. The percentage of cholesterol in this salad is 0 and this is a great thing about it.