How Many Calories in Salmon Nigiri Sushi

Salmon Nigiri Sushi is liked for its taste as well as the nutritional value it offers. There are various ways in which you can prepare salmon nigiri sushi and the number of calories in it varies based on this factor.

One piece of salmon nigiri sushi weighing around 1 oz contains a total of 68 calories out of which 44% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrate and protein each and the remaining 11% calories come from fat. The total fat content in it is 1 gram, carbohydrate content is 9 grams, sugar content is 1 gram, protein content is 9 grams, sodium content is 29 mg and cholesterol content is 8 mg. Two average sized pieces of salmon nigiri sushi contain 136 calories, four average sized pieces of salmon nigiri sushi have 272 calories and six average sized pieces of salmon nigiri sushi have 408 calories.

Salmon Nigiri Sushi Calories

1 gram of salmon nigiri sushi contains a total of 2.43 calories. The total fat content in it is 0.04 gram, carbohydrate and protein content is 0.32 gram each, cholesterol content is 0.29 mg and sodium content is 1.04 mg.

Salmon nigiri sushi fresh raw fish is also preferred with sticky rice. Each serving of this salmon nigiri sushi preparation contains a total of 45 calories. The total carbohydrate content in it is 7 grams, protein content is 4 grams and sodium content is 5 mg. Consuming this salmon nigiri sushi preparation also impacts ones cholesterol level; it contains 6 mg cholesterol content.

Genji Express’s All Salmon Nigri and Roll Combo is also quite popular. Each serving of this salmon nigiri preparation contains 337 calories. Similarly, there are various other salmon nigiri sushi preparations that one may opt for and as mentioned above the calorie content in it differs based on how it is prepared.