Mixed bean salad is popular because of its low or almost nil fat content. Dieticians suggest including this in the diet especially for those who are aiming to maintain their weight. It contains good nutritional value and also comes with some amount of calories.
Half a can of mixed bean salad contains a total of 120 calories. The total fat content in it 1.6 grams, carbohydrate content is 19 grams and protein content is 7.8 grams.
Commercially prepared mixed bean salads are quite popular. You may get Mixed Bean salad at various food joints. Mixed Bean salad available at S&W is quite tasteful as well as nutritious. Half a cup serving of S&W mixed bean salad weighing around 125 grams contains a total of 90 calories out of which as many as 83% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 17% calories come from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of S&W mixed bean salad is 19 grams, total protein content in it is 4 grams and the fat content in it is nil.
Mixed bean salad prepared at Tesco is equally popular. Each serving of this mixed bean salad weighing around 70 grams contains a total of 49 calories and most of these calories come from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of Tesco mixed bean salad is 9.1 grams, dietary fiber content in it is 0.7 grams and the total protein content in it is 2.1 grams.
You may also go for mixed bean salad available at Waitrose. Half a tin of mixed bean salad weighing around 200 grams available here contains a total of 186 calories out of which 66.7% calories come from carbohydrates, 27.5% calories are obtained from proteins and the remaining 5.8% calories are obtained from fat. The total fat content in it is 1.2 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 31 grams and protein content in it is 12.8 grams.