Chili beans are beans cooked in a Latin American sauce. This beans preparation tastes scrumptious and also contains good nutritional value. You will find these at various food joints. Different restaurants and food joints prepare chili beans using different methods. They add various spices and other ingredients to enhance its taste and thus the number of calories in chili beans available at different restaurants is different.
One cup of chili beans prepared using its standard recipe contains a total of 222 calories. Out of these 222 calories 129 calories come from carbohydrates, 51 calories come from proteins and the remaining 23 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal quantity of chili beans preparation is 2.5 grams, protein content in it is 12.6 and carbohydrate content in it is 42.8 grams.
Commercially prepared chili beans are quite tasteful. However, the number of calories in these may be a bit higher in comparison to the homemade chili beans. Half a cup of chili beans weighing around 130 grams available at Southern Home contains 120 calories out of which 72% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 20% calories come from proteins and the remaining 8% calories come from fat. Fresh & Easy chili beans are equally popular and half a cup of Fresh & Easy chili beans also contains 120 calories. Consuming half a cup of chili beans prepared at Hanover also means taking in 120 calories.
Half a cup of S&W chili beans contain 130 calories of which 69% calories come from carbohydrates, 21% calories come from proteins and the remaining 10% calories come from fat. Half a cup of chili beans prepared at Spartan contains a total of 110 calories. Out of these 110 calories 71% calories come from carbohydrates, 21% calories come from proteins and the remaining 8% comes from fat.