Mung Beans known to be a good source of iron may be consumed in boiled form, sprouted form and you may even consume mung beans soup. The calorie content in each of these forms is different from the other. One cup of raw mung beans mature seeds contains 718 calories out of which 73% calories come from carbohydrates, 24% calories come from proteins and 3% come from fats. An equal quantity of raw mung beans mature seeds has 129.62 grams of total carbohydrates, 2.38 grams of total fat content and protein content of 49.39 grams. One tablespoon of raw mung beans contains 45 calories, 1 oz contains 98 calories and 100 grams contains 347 calories.
One cup of sprouted mung beans mature seeds contains 31 calories. Out of these 31 calories 71% calories comes from carbohydrates, 24% calories come from proteins and 5% calories are obtained from fats. The total carbohydrate content in an equal quantity of sprouted mung beans mature seeds is 6.18 grams, total fat content in it is 0.19 gram and protein content is 3.16 grams. One oz of sprouted mung beans contains 9 calories, 100 grams contains 30 calories, one cup packet of sprouted mung beans mature seeds weighing around 12 oz contains 102 calories and 1 Ib of similarly prepared mung beans has 136 calories.
One cup of canned sprouted mung beans mature seeds contains 15 calories of which 64% calories come from carbohydrates, 32% calories come from proteins and 4% calories comes from fats. One oz of such mung beans preparation contains 3 calories and 100 grams contains 12 calories.
One cup of boiled mung beans mature seeds with salt contains 212 calories. Total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of similarly prepared mung beans contains 39 grams of total carbohydrate content, 14 grams of protein content and 1 gram of total fat content.