How Many Calories in Kolaches

Kolache is a type of a sweet item which falls into the category of a pastry and is filled in with a filling such as a fruit filling or sausage filling etc. Kolaches can be found available at a number of pastry or sweet shops and are manufactured by a lot of different companies as well. To talk about the exact number of calories present in a kolache is difficult because each kolache is different from the other in terms of preparation, ingredients used etc. the following given information will be of use to you if you wish to know more about kolache:

Calories in Kolaches

Kolache factory is one of the most popular companies to make different varieties of kolache. 1 piece of a kolache made by this company weighs around 113 grams and contains 210 calories. Out of these 210 calories, 8% of the calories come from total fat, 2% of the calories come from cholesterol content, 5% of the calories come from sodium content, 12% of the calories come from carbohydrates and 4% of the calories come from dietary fiber content. The fact that the kolache made by this company contains very low amount of cholesterol and sodium makes it healthy to eat.

H-E-B is another company which prepares quite delicious kolaches and sells them in packages. 1 kolache made by this company weighs 56.8 grams and contains about 160 calories. 12% of these calories come from total fat, 12% of the calories come from saturated fat, 5% of the calories come from cholesterol, 16% of the calories come from sodium, 6% of the calories come from total carbohydrates and 3% come from dietary fiber. The nutrition grade given to this kolache is D. the low amount of cholesterol is a good point but high sodium can be considered as a negative point.