How Many Calories in Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce is known for its low calorie content. It is available from different brands and the number of calories and other micronutrients in it may vary from brand to brand. Below mentioned is the number of calories in Iceberg Lettuce available from a few popular brands.

One sixth medium head serving of iceberg lettuce available from Tanimura & Antle contains a total of 10 calories out of which 75% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 25% calories come from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of iceberg lettuce available from this brand contains 3 grams of carbohydrate content. Just like, Tanimura & Antle one sixth medium head of iceberg lettuce available from Taylor Farms also contains a total of 10 calories of which 75% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 25% calories come from proteins.


Iceberg Lettuce available from Souper Salad is also quite popular. One cup of iceberg lettuce contains 10 calories and 100% of these calories come from carbohydrates. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of this iceberg lettuce is 2 grams. You may also go for Taylor Farms’ iceberg lettuce.

Consuming shredded iceberg lettuce is also a good idea. One and a half cups of shredded iceberg lettuce available from Marketside weighing around 3 oz contains a total of 10 calories. The total sodium content in it is 10 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 3 grams and protein content in it is 1 gram. One portion of shredded iceberg lettuce available from Jason’s Deli contains a total of 5 calories and 100% of these are obtained from carbohydrates. An equal serving of shredded iceberg lettuce available from Jason’s Deli contains 1 gram of carbohydrates.

2 cups serving of shredded iceberg lettuce available from Fresh & Easy contains 10 calories while 2 cups of shredded iceberg lettuce from Wegmans contains 20 calories.