How Many Calories in Fish Fillet

Fish Fillet is a tasteful as well as healthful food item. It is served at a number of restaurants across different countries. The number of calories and other nutritional value in fish filler varies based on its brand.

Each meal of Angel Food Ministries Fish Fillet contains 290 calories out of which 70% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 24% calories come from proteins and just 6% calories come from fat. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of fish fillet available at Angel Food Ministries is 50 grams and protein content in it is 17 grams.

2 Fish Fillets available at Captain D’s weighing around 130 grams contains 320 calories. Out of these 320 calories 55% of the calories come from fat, 24% calories are obtained from carbohydrates and 21% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in it is 20 grams out of which 8 grams is saturated fat content and 2 grams is trans fat content. The total cholesterol content in it is 50 mg, sodium content is 950 mg, total carbohydrate content is 20 grams, sugar content is 1 gram and protein content is 17 grams.

Fish Fillet Calories

A 3 oz serving of Basa Fish Fillet prepared by Publix contains a total of 150 calories. Out of these 150 calories 65% of the calories come from proteins and the remaining 35% calories are obtained from fat. None of the calories in this preparation of Fish Fillet are obtained from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of Publix Basa Fish Fillet is 6 grams and total protein content in it is 25 grams.

Van de Kamp’s crispy fish fillets are also quite popular. 2 fish fillet serving of crispy fish fillets available at Van de Kamp contains 210 calories. Out of these 210 calories 43% of the calories are obtained from fat, 40% calories come from carbohydrates and 17% of the total calories come from proteins.