How many Calories in Cabbage Soup

A lot of health conscious people love eating cabbage soup as it is high on the nutrition value and also on dietary fiber. Cabbage soup not only tastes good but is also source of vitamin C and vitamin A. many companies have started selling canned cabbage soup that can be preserved and eaten whenever you want. Apart from this, cabbage soup can also be easily prepared at home and available at many restaurants. Given below is a description of the number of calories in cabbage soup and the various health benefits associated with it.

calories in Cabbage Soup

Rokeach manufactures cabbage soup that is also mixed with a few potatoes. 1 cup of this soup contains 90 calories and has been tagged at a grade B+ as far as the nutrition value is concerned. Rokeach Cabbage and potato soup contains 24% sodium, 12% dietary fiber, 5% carbohydrates and 4% total fats.  The good points about this soup are that it is high in dietary fiber, has no cholesterol and no saturated fat. But the negatives points are that sodium content is very high and even the sugar quantity if high.

Cracovia is another company that is known to manufacture cabbage soup. ½ cup of this cabbage soup contains 120 calories and on the nutrition grade scale, it comes at a B+ level. This particular soup contains 29% sodium, 7% carbohydrates, 5% total fat and 4% dietary fiber. The good points about this Cracovia cabbage soup are that it has no saturated fat and no cholesterol. But very high content of sodium might not be considered such a good thing.

Gold’s Hungarian cabbage soup’s 6 oz contains 70 calories and has been given A grade on the nutrition scale. This soup is very high on vitamin C and vitamin A content and has no saturated fat and no cholesterol.