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How Many Calories

Prickly Pear Caloroes

How Many Calories in Prickly Pear

Prickly pear which is known to be a low calorie fruit contains a number of micronutrients which are good for health. The calorie content...
Pomegranate Calories

How Many Calories in Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a nutritious and delicious fruit which offers various health benefits. One pomegranate of 3-3/8 inch diameter weighing around 154 grams contains around...
Plantains Calories

How Many Calories in Plantains

Plantains are full of nutrition and also taste good. However they also come with some amount of calories. The calorie content in a plantain...
Persimmons Calories

How Many Calories in Persimmons

Persimmon which is known to be a low calorie fruit contains various micronutrients which are essential for the human body. One oz yields of...
Passion Fruit Calories

How Many Calories in Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is quite delicious and also contains various micronutrients which are good for health. The reason why passion fruit is even more popular...
Orange Peel Calories

How Many Calories in Orange Peel

Orange Peel offers a number of health benefits owing to the nutritional value it contains. However, it also comes with some amount of calories...
Mulberries Calories

How Many Calories in Mulberries

Mulberries are quite delicious and equally healthy. This low calorie fruit contains a number of essential micronutrients which are good for the human body....
Mamey Calories

How Many Calories in Mamey

Mamey is a popular fruit which is mostly preferred raw. However, you also have the option of consuming Mamey juice and may even enjoy...
Longan Calories

How Many Calories in Longans

The calorie content in a Logan without refuse weighing around 3.2 grams is 2 Kcal and none of the calories in this fruit come...
Litchis Calories

How Many Calories in Litchis

Litchis can be had in raw form as well as juiced form. You may also have litchi flavoured ice creams, puddings and various other...