How Many Calories in Vegetable Samosa

Vegetable Samosa is quite delicious but is not considered very healthy. It contains a good amount of calories and most dieticians suggest avoiding this food item to those who are aiming to reduce or maintain weight. One vegetable samosa available at Deep contains 66 calories out of which 55% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 27% calories come from fat and 18% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal sized vegetable samosa available at Deep is 2 grams, sodium content is 103 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 9 grams and fat content is 3 grams.

Tandoor Chef’s vegetable samosa is also quite popular. One average sized vegetable samosa prepared by Tandoor Chef contains 190 calories out of which 47% of the calories are obtained from fat, 44% calories come from carbohydrates and just 9% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal sized vegetable samosa available at Tandoor Chef is 10 grams, carbohydrate content is 21 grams and protein content is 4 grams.

Vegetable Samosa Calories

Trader Joe’s vegetable samosa is equally well liked. The total number of calories in 2 Trader Joe’s samosas is 170 kcal. Out of these 170 calories 54% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 33% calories come from fat and only 13% calories are obtained from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of Trader Joe’s vegetable samosa is 22 grams, protein content in it is 5 grams and fat content is 6 grams.

One piece of vegetable cocktail samosa available at Kawan Food contains 40 calories out of which 65% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 24% calories come from fat and the remaining 11% come from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in it is 6 grams and protein and fat content in it is 1 gram each.