Teaching your kids the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet is a must. But educating them about what to eat and what to leave can be a challenge as most of the yummy stuff they like might not be great for them. There are many nutritious foods which are especially very good and suited for kids. If your kids start enjoying these kinds of foods, then good health and a healthy body are definitely ensured. Here’s a list of 10- of the most nutritious food items for your kids.
Fruits are unquestionably the most nutritious foods for kids as they provide them with the vitamins and minerals required by the body. Also fruits act like snacks which can easily fill their tummies. Try and give them a mixture of colorful fruits and include a lot of berries, which they would definitely love.
Kids might not like all vegetables but be clever and mix vegetables with certain other fun food items they like to ensure that they get enough of this important stuff. Try making them eat vegetables like spinach in the form of spinach chips and similarly convert other vegetables in different forms.
Nuts are a source of healthy fats and help to build energy as well. Nuts like almonds and cashews are very good for the children and must be given to them on a regular basis. Add nuts to other dishes in the crushed form.
Kids might not readily like and eat fish and hence you would need to find out which fish do they really like. For examples, make them try Tuna because it is high on omega-3 fatty acids and is a kid friendly food option.
Peanut butter
Peanut butter fulfills the need to vitamins, minerals, proteins and even magnesium in a person’s body and is also pretty tasty for kids to relish. Add peanut butter to slices of bread to make a sandwich and feed the kids with it.
Very much to the delight of kids and children, cheese is a very nutritious food which can be added to a number of dishes. It is also a rich source of protein.
Beans offer a lot of protein, fiber and carbohydrates and are therefore recommended too.
Water is the healthiest fluid which is needed in great quantities by growing kids.
Popcorn is not only enjoyed by kids but is also a pretty healthy thing to indulge in.
Whole grains
Go for whole wheat pasta and breads if you want to increase the nutrition quotient in your kid.