How Many Calories in Swiss Chard

The calorie content in Swiss chard varies based on its method of preparation as well as the quantity in which it is consumed. 1 cup of Swiss chard which weighs around 36 grams has 7 calories, a leaf of Swiss chard which weighs approximately 48 grams has 9 calories, one cup of chopped Swiss chard which weighs around 175 grams contains 35 calories and 100 grams of Swiss chard has 19 calories. 100 grams of Swiss chard gives around .95% of the daily recommended allowance of calories for women and 0.76% daily recommended allowance of calories for men.

Swiss Chard Calories

Usually a normal serving of this vegetable is 1 cup of shredded Swiss chard leaves; this is without the hard stem. It contains around 35 calories as mentioned above. Other micronutrients in an equal quantity of Swiss chard include proteins 3 grams which provides 7% of the daily recommended consumption of proteins, 7 grams of carbohydrates 2 grams of sugar and 4 grams of dietary fiber. This serving of Swiss chard provides 15% of the daily value. What makes it a healthy food option is that the cholesterol level in this vegetable is zero and the fat content is also very low.

Out of 100 grams of Swiss chard almost 92.66 grams is water content, 3.74 grams is Carbohydrates, 1.8 grams is Proteins, 1.6 grams is Ash, dietary fiber content is also 1.6 grams while the sugar content is 1.1 grams. The total lipid (fat) content in 100 grams of Swiss chard is 0.2 grams, polyunsaturated fatty acids are 0.07 grams, monounsaturated fatty acids are 0.04 grams and saturated fatty acids are 0.03 grams. Swiss chard also contains Vitamins A, C, K and B. While there is 6116 IU of Vitamin A, the Vitamin K content in this vegetable is 830 mcg, Vitamin C is 30 mg, Vitamin E is 1.89 mg, Vitamin B6 content is 0.099 and other B Vitamins including Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin in small amounts.