How Many Calories in a Milkshake

Milk shake is considered a health drink; it offers a number of health benefits owing to the various micronutrients it contains. A 10 fl oz serving of Milk shake contains a total of 382 calories. Out of these 382 calories more than half that is 59% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 32% calories come from fat and only 9% calories are obtained from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of milkshake is 56.91 grams, fat content is 13.84 grams and protein content is 9.03 grams. 1 fl oz of milkshake contains a total of 38 calories and 100 ml milkshake has 129 calories.

There are different flavors of Milkshake that one may opt for such as chocolate milkshake, strawberry milkshake, vanilla milkshake, etc. Each of these flavors has its own taste as well as nutritional value.

Milkshake Calories

Consuming a medium serving of chocolate milkshake containing 16 fl oz shake has a total of 478 calories. Out of these 478 calories around 63% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 26% calories come from fat and 11% calories come from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal quantity of chocolate milkshake is 77.08 grams, protein content is 12.78 grams and fat content is 13.91 grams. 1 fl oz of chocolate milkshake contains 30 calories, 100 ml of chocolate milkshake has 101 calories, a small serving of chocolate milkshake containing 12 fl oz of shake has 358 calories and a large serving having 21 fl oz contains a total of 627 calories.

A medium sized vanilla milk shake serving containing 16 fl oz shake has a total of 556 calories. Out of the 556 calories present in vanilla milk shake 52% calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 39% calories come from fat and the remaining 9% calories are obtained from proteins.