Jicama is quite low in calories as compared to various other food items. It also contains great nutritional value. The calorie content in a raw Jicama differs from that in its cooked form. One cup of raw Jicama contains around 49 calories out of which just 1 calorie comes from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of Jicama is 0.12 gram out of which 0.027 gram is saturated fat, 0.056 gram is polyunsaturated and 0.0065 gram is monounsaturated fat. The total sodium content in it is 5.2 mg, potassium content is 195 mg, protein content is 0.94 gram, carbohydrate content is 11.5 gram and dietary fiber is 6.4 gram. It also contains some amount of Vitamin C and small traces of calcium, iron and certain other vitamins.
One large raw Jicama contains around 456 calories out of which 9.7 calories come from fat. The total fat content in this is 1.1 gram out of which 0.25 gram is saturated fat, 0.52 gram is polyunsaturated fat and 0.06 gram is monounsaturated fat. It has 8.6 grams of protein, 105.8 grams of Carbohydrates, 58.8 grams of dietary fiber, 1800 mg of potassium and 48 mg of sodium.
A medium sized raw Jicama has 250.4 calories out of which 5.3 grams come from fat. The total fat content in it is 0.59 gram out of which 0.14 gram is saturated fat, 0.28 gram is polyunsaturated fat and 0.033 gram is monounsaturated fat. One slice of raw Jicama contains around 2.3 calories out of which 0.049 calories come from fat.
As mentioned above the calorie content in cooked Jicama is different. 100 grams of cooked Jicama contains 36 Kcal. While half a cup of properly cooked Jicama has as less as 19 calories out of which only 0.4 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of Jicama is just 0.05 gram.