How Many Calories in Soybeans

There are a number of soybean preparations that one may opt for and the calorie content in each of these preparations is different. One cup of fresh green soybeans contains 376 calories out of which 39% calories are obtained from fat, 315 calories come from carbohydrates and 30% calories come from proteins. One oz of fresh green soybeans contains 42 calories, 100 grams contain 147 calories and one lb contains 667 calories. Fresh green soybean contains a number of essential micronutrients and is considered to be quite healthy.

One cup of steamed mature soybean seeds contain a total of 76 calories out of which 49% of the calories come from fat, 29% calories are obtained from carbohydrates and 25% come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal quantity of steamed mature soybean seeds is 4.18 calories, total carbohydrate content in it is 6.14 grams and protein content in it is 7.96 grams. One oz of steamed mature soybean seeds contains 23 calories, 100 grams of steamed mature soybean seeds have 81 calories and 1 lb of similarly cooked mature soybean seeds has 367 calories.

Soybeans Calories

One cup of boiled soybean mature seeds with salt contain 298 calories out of which 43% calories come from fat, 34% calories are obtained from protein and 23% calories come from carbohydrates. One oz of boiled soybean mature seeds with salt contains 49 calories and 100 grams of similarly cooked soybean mature seeds have 173 calories. Boiling an equal quantity of soybean mature seeds with salt also provides 298 calories.

One oz of stir fried soybean mature seeds contains 35 calories out of which 48% calories come from fats, 27% calories are obtained from carbohydrates and 25% come from proteins. Soybean can also be cooked in various other ways and the calorie content in each of these soybean preparations is different.