How Many Calories in Crayfish

Crayfish is rich in proteins and also tastes scrumptious. Crayfish can be steamed, boiled, fried, baked and prepared in a number of other ways. The number of calories in each of these crayfish preparations is different; however most of the calories in each of these crayfish preparations are obtained from proteins.

Three ounces of raw crayfish contains a total of 61 calories out of which 88% of the calories are obtained from proteins and the remaining 12% come from fat. None of the calories in crayfish are obtained from carbohydrates. 8 crayfish contain 19 calories and 100 grams of crayfish have 72 calories.

Crayfish Calories

Steamed Crayfish is considered quite healthy and is also low in calories. One ounce of steamed crayfish contains a total of 23 calories. Out of these 23 calories 86% of the calories come from proteins and the remaining 14% calories come from fat. On steamed crayfish contains a total of 12 calories, 100 grams of this crayfish preparation contains a total of 81 calories and 1 cup of steamed crayfish has a total of 113 calories.

Fried breaded or floured crayfish tastes delectable. However, the calorie content in it is comparatively higher than its other preparations. One ounce of fried breaded or floured crayfish contains a total of 63 calories. Out of these 63 calories 48% of the calories come from fat, 32% calories come from protein and the remaining 20% calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of this crayfish preparation is 3.29 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 3.12 grams and protein content in it is 4.82 grams.

Farmed crayfish mixed species which is cooked in moist heat tastes equally delicious. Three ounces of this crayfish preparation contains a total of 74 calories of 87% of the calories come from proteins and the remaining 135 calories come from fat.