How Many Calories in Alfredo Sauce

Alfredo sauce is consumed with various food items in order to enhance their taste. There is a wide variety of Alfredo Sauce available in the market. Here is a look at the calorie content in few of the popular Alfredo Sauce varieties.

One cup of Alfredo Sauce contains a total of 996 calories which is quite a lot. However, it is very unlikely that you would consume one cup of Alfredo Sauce with any snack item. Out of these 996 calories as many as 89% of the calories are obtained from fat, 9% from proteins and merely 2% from carbohydrates. One oz of similarly prepared Alfredo Sauce contains 116 calories and 100 grams contains 410 calories.


Alfredo Mix Sauce also tastes scrumptious and is thus preferred by many. One oz of Alfredo Mix Sauce contains a total of 152 calories. Out of these 152 calories 61% of the calories come from fat, 27% come from carbohydrates and the remaining 12% come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of Alfredo Mix Sauce is 10.31 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 10.35 grams and protein content is 4.34 grams. 100 grams of this Alfredo Sauce contains a total of 535 calories.

Classico Sun-Dried Tomato Alfredo Sauce is yet another popular choice when it comes to Alfredo Sauce. One fourth cup serving of this variety of Alfredo Sauce contains a total of 90 calories of which 72% calories are obtained from fat, 18% from carbohydrates and the remaining 10% from proteins.

Creamy Alfredo Sauce is also quite tasteful. One fourth cup serving of this kind of Alfredo Sauce available from Bertolli contains a total of 110 calories. Out of these 110 calories 82% of the calories come from fat, 11% calories are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 7% come from proteins.