How Many Calories are in Gala Apples

Gala Apple is available from a number of brands. The calorie content in Gala apple available from different brands may vary to some extent mainly because of the difference in the quality of apple. Here is a look at the calorie content in Gala apple available from a few well known brands.

A medium sized gala apple contains 71 calories. Out of these 71 calories 96% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 3% calories come from fat and the remaining 1% calories are obtained from proteins. The total fat content in an equal sized gala apple is 0.24 grams, protein content in it is 0.36 gram and carbohydrate content in it is 19.06 grams. 1 ring of gala apple contains 7 calories, 1 slice contains 9 calories, a small sized gala apple contains 55 calories, 100 grams contains 52 calories, one cup of sliced gala apple and a large sized gala apple has a total of 109 calories.


 Organic Gala Apples available at Nature’s Promise are quite popular. A medium sized organic gala apple available from this brand weighing around 154 grams contains a total of 80 calories and all of these are obtained from carbohydrates. The total carbohydrate content in it is 80 grams. A medium sized organic gala apple available from Trader Joe’s also contains 80 calories and these too are obtained from carbohydrates.

If you are looking for Gala apple you may also go for one available at Publix. One medium sized gala apple available from Publix contains 80 calories out of which 90% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 10% calories come from fat. One medium sized Gala apple available from Wal-Mart also contains 80 calories and 100% of these are obtained from carbohydrates. Many other brands also offer gala apples containing almost the same number of calories.