How Many Calories in Hominy

Hominy is available in different forms and the number of calories and micronutrients in it vary to a great extent based on its form. One cup of canned white hominy contains a total of 119 calories. Out of these 119 calories as many as 82% of the calories come carbohydrates, 10% calories come from fat and 8% calories are obtained from proteins.

The total fat content in an equal quantity of white canned Hominy is 1.45 grams consisting of 0.203 gram of saturated fat content, 0.658 gram of polyunsaturated fat content and 0.381 gram of monounsaturated fat content. It contains a total of 346 mg of sodium, 15 mg of potassium, 23.53 grams of total carbohydrate content, 4.1 grams of dietary fiber content, 3 grams of sugar content and 2.44 grams of protein content.

Hominy Calories

One oz of canned white hominy has a total of 20 calories, 100 grams of canned white hominy contains 72 calories and 1 Ib of canned white hominy has as many as 327 calories.

Yellow Hominy is also available in canned form. One cup of canned yellow hominy has 115 calories. In this hominy too 82% calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 10% calories come from fat and 8% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in it is 1.41 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 22.82 grams and protein content in it is 2.37 grams.

Cooked Hominy tastes delicious and the number of calories in this is different from that in its canned form. One cup of cooked hominy contains a total of 178 calories. Out of these 178 calories 51% of the total calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 43% of these calories come from fat and just 6% calories are obtained from proteins. One oz of cooked hominy has 30 calories and 100 grams of cooked hominy has 105 calories.