How Many Calories in Gefilte Fish

Gefilte Fish is quite tasteful and also contains good nutritional value. This variety of fish is available from a number of brands and is prepared using various recipes. The calorie content and other micronutrients in various varieties of Gefilte fish available from different brands are different.

One piece of Gefilte Fish with broth contains a total of 77 calories. Out of these 77 calories 64% of the calories are obtained from proteins, 32% calories come from fat and the remaining 4% come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of Gefilte Fish is 2.58 grams of which 0.481 gram is saturated fat content, 0.792 gram is polyunsaturated fat content and 0.914 gram and 0.914 gram is monounsaturated fat content. The total carbohydrate content in it is 0.7 gram, protein content in it is 11.91 grams, cholesterol content in it 46 mg, sodium content in it is 187 mg and potassium in it is 160 mg. Gefilte Fish also contains good amount of iron, calcium, vitamin C and certain other essential vitamins and minerals.


 One cubic inch of gefilte fish contains a total of 18 calories, one oz contains 32 calories and 1 cup full of this fish contains 257 calories.

Sweet Gefilte fish in Jelled Broth also tastes scrumptious. One piece of this variety of Gefilte fish weighing around 69 grams prepared by Manischewitz contains a total of 50 calories. Out of these 50 calories 37% of the calories come from proteins, 33% are obtained from fat and the remaining 30% come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of sweet gefilte fish in jelled broth is 2 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 4 grams, protein content in it is 5 grams, cholesterol content in it is 15 mg and sodium content in it is 340 mg.