Cannellini Beans are available from different brands and the number of calories in these may differ based on the brand you opt for. Below mentioned is the calorie content and nutritional value in Cannellini beans available from a few brands.
Half a cup of Cannellini Beans available from Hanover contains a total of 100 calories. Out of these 100 calories 72% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and 28% calories come from proteins. It has a total of 18 grams of carbohydrate content, 7 grams of protein content and the fat content in it is zero. Wegmans’ Cannellini Beans also contain 100 calories in half a cup and the other nutritional value in it is also the same.
Luigi Vitelli Cannellini Beans are preferred by some as the number of calories in it is comparatively lower than various other brands. Half a cup of Luigi Vitelli Cannellini Beans weighing around 122 grams contains a total of 80 calories out of which 75% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 25% calories come from proteins. The total sodium content in it is 390 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 18 grams, dietary fiber content is 7 grams and protein content in it is 6 grams.
Rienzi Cannellini Beans are also well liked and the number of calories in these is the same as Luigi Vitelli Cannellini Beans that is 80 calories per half a cup serving. You may also go for Hannaford Cannellini Beans. Half a cup of Hannaford Cannellini Beans contain 100 calories.
365 Cannellini Beans are also well liked by many however the number of calories in it is comparatively higher. Half a cup of 365 Cannellini Beans weighing around 130 grams contains a total of 110 calories. The total fat content in it is 1 gram, sodium content is 390 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 18 grams, dietary fiber content is 6 grams, sugar content is 1 gram and protein content in it is 7 grams.