How Many Calories in Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is available in its raw form, cooked form as well as canned form and the number of calories in it differs based on its form. The other nutritional value is also different in different forms of Sauerkraut.

One cup of canned low sodium sauerkraut contains a total of  calories out of which 79% calories come from carbohydrates, 17% calories come from proteins and 4% calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal quantity of low sodium canned sauerkraut is 0.14 gram, carbohydrate content in it is 6.18 gram, protein content in it is 1.28 grams, sodium content in it is 437 mg and potassium content is 241 mg. It also contains some amount of Vitamin C and certain other vitamins and minerals.

Sauerkraut Calories

One cup of canned sauerkraut solid and liquids contains 27 calories out of which 80% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 14% calories come from proteins and 6% calories come from fat. The total fat content in it is 0.2 gram, total carbohydrate content in it is 6.08 grams, protein content in it is 1.29 gram, sodium content in it is 939 mg and potassium content is 241 mg.

One cup of cooked sauerkraut contains 27 calories out of which 78% calories come from carbohydrates, 16% calories come from proteins and 6% calories come from fat. 100 grams of cooked sauerkraut contains 19 calories. The total fat content in an equal quantity of similarly cooked sauerkraut is 0.14 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 4.28 grams and protein content in it is 0.91 gram.

Sauerkraut can be cooked in different ways and the calorie content in it differs based on this factor. One cup of cooked sauerkraut by adding fat in it contains around 47 calories out of which 47% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 42% calories come from fat and 11% calories come from proteins.