How Many Calories in Radishes

Low in calories radish contains a good amount of carbohydrate content and is also rich in vitamin C. It is consumed for its nutritional value as well as taste. One cup of radish slices contain a total of 19 calories out of which 82% calories come from carbohydrates, 13% calories come from proteins and the remaining 5% calories come from fat. Each slice of radish contains 0.12 gram of fat content, 0.79 gram of protein content and 3.94 grams of carbohydrates. One oz of radish contains a total of 5 calories, 100 grams of radish has 16 calories and 1 Ib of radish has a total of 73 calories.


Half a cup of White Icicle radishes contain a total of 7 calories out of which 72% calories come from carbohydrates, 22% calories come from proteins and the remaining 6% calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of White Icicle radish is 0.05 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 1.32 grams and protein content in it is 0.55 gram. One oz of White Icicle radishes contains a total of 4 calories, 100 grams of White Icicle radish has 14 calories and 1 Ib of White Icicle radishes have 64 calories.

One Oriental radish contains a total of 61 calories of which 87% calories come from carbohydrates, 8% calories come from proteins and the remaining 5% calories come from fat. 100 grams of Oriental radish contains a total of 18 calories, One oz of radish has 5 calories and 1 Ib of Oriental radish contains a total of 82 calories.

One cup of Hawaiian Style pickled radish contains a total of 42 calories. Out of these 42 calories as many as 75% calories come from carbohydrates, 15% calories come from proteins and the remaining 10% calories are obtained from fat.