Stuffed cabbage is a dish in which cabbage is stuffed with a variety of fillings. This dish qualifies as a side dish and is available in many restaurants and eating joints. It is easy to make stuffed cabbage at home as well and you can choose whichever filling you wish to add to it. Depending upon the type of filling, the number of calories in stuffed cabbage may vary and so does the nutritional value of it. The following given article will tell you more about the number of calories in stuffed cabbage.
Wegmans is a famous company which prepares ready to eat stuffed cabbage which can be heated and served.1 piece of this stuffed cabbage weighs about 162 grams and contains about 120 calories. Out of these calories, 5% of the calories come from total fat, 8% of the calories come from saturated fat, 8% of the calories come from cholesterol, 27% of the calories come from sodium, 5% come from total carbohydrates and 28% come from dietary fiber. On the scale of nutrition, the grade given to this dish is B+. There is a large quantity of sodium present in these stuffed cabbage makes it slightly unhealthy to eat but high amount of dietary fiber is a good point.
Raphy’s is another famous brand which serves stuffed cabbage. This particular type of stuffed cabbage has been tagged at A- nutrition grade and 1 piece weighing 40 grams contains about 23 calories only. Out of these 23 calories, 6% comes from sodium, 2% comes from total fat, 1% comes from saturated fat, 1% comes from total carbohydrates and 2% comes from dietary fiber content. The high amount of vitamin C and absence of cholesterol are the two good points about this stuffed cabbage but high sodium and high sugar are the negative points.