How Many Calories in Boiled Turnips

A turnip is a root vegetable which is used in salads and in a lot of other recipes as well. Boiled turnips are the turnips that have been boiled in water to make them moist. Boiled turnips are also used in several dishes and can be eaten in the raw form as well. If you are someone who loves to eat these vegetables then you might be interested in finding out how many calories do turnips have. The following given part of the article will be useful for you if that is the case:

Calories in Boiled Turnips

1 cup of turnips that have been boiled, drained and cooked with salt contain 34 calories and weigh 156 grams. These turnips are quite nutritious and this is the reason why they have been given A nutrition grade. Out of the 34 calories, 19% of the calories come from sodium, 3% of the calories come from total carbohydrates and 12% of the calories come from the dietary fiber content present in boiled turnips. There are many good points about these turnips. Some of them are that they are very low in the saturated fat content, they have no cholesterol, the amount of dietary fiber present in boiled turnips is very high, there is a large amount of magnesium and manganese in these turnips, the amount of vitamin B6 is also very high and the amount of vitamin C is quite large as well. But the fact that boiled and cooked turnips have high amount of sodium and sugar is a negative thing about them.

Frozen, boiled and cooked turnips too have been given A nutrition grade and 1 cup of these turnips contains 33 calories. these turnips too have high dietary fiber, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, potassium and thiamin. The high amount of vitamin C and low saturated fat is another good point about them.