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How Many Calories

Dates Calories

How Many Calories in Dates

There are different varieties of dates available in the market and the calorie content in this fruit varies based on its type and its...
Concord Grapes Calories

How Many Calories in Concord Grapes

1 cup of raw concord grapes weighing around 3.2 oz contains 62 calories out of which only 3 calories come from fat. The total...
Clementine Calories

How Many Calories in Clementine

Clementine which is known to be a low calorie fruit is consumed for various health benefits. You may consume raw Clementine and even have...
Carambola Calories

How Many Calories in Carambola

Carambola also known as star fruit offers various health benefits and also comes with a few calories. Though Carambola is mostly consumed in its...
Blackberries Calories

How Many Calories in Blackberries

The number of calories in Blackberries varies based on its form. While many people prefer consuming blackberries in their raw form some opt for...
Lime Calories

How Many Calories in Lime

Lime, which is known to be a rich source of Vitamin C, also comes with some amount of calories. Lime may be consumed in...
Hummus Calories

How Many Calories are in Hummus

Hummus is usually eaten with bread and carrots in order to add taste to these food items. However, consuming these food items also means...
Tilapia Calories

How Many Calories in Tilapia

The calorie content in Tilapia varies based on the way it is cooked and the ingredients added to it. However whichever way you cook...
Pancakes Calories

How Many Calories in Pancakes

Pancakes are quite delicious and also have good nutritional value. These are mostly served at the breakfast time and are especially a favourite amongst...
Spinach Calories

How Many Calories in Spinach

Spinach is known to be a healthful vegetable which is rich in iron. Spinach is low in calories and contains a lot of other...