How Many Calories in Banana chips

Banana chips taste delicious but also come with a good number of calories this is the reason why you should watch out on your intake of these chips. Here is a look at the number of calories in different servings of banana chips.

One oz of banana chips contains a total of 147 calories. Out of these 147 calories 56% of the calories are obtained from fat, 43% of the total calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 1% calorie comes from protein. The total fat content in it is 9.53 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 16.56 grams, protein content in it is 0.65 grams, sodium content in it is 2 mg and potassium  content is 152 mg. Banana chips also contain certain essential vitamins and minerals.


On consuming 100 grams of banana chips you are taking in as many as 519 calories. The total fat content in an equal serving of these chips is 33.6 grams consisting of 28.97 grams of saturated fat content, 1.95 grams of monounsaturated fat content and 0.63 gram of polyunsaturated fat content. The total carbohydrate content in it is 58.4 grams consisting of 7.7 grams of dietary fiber content and 35.34 grams of sugar content. The total sodium content in it is 6 mg, potassium content in it is 536 mg and protein content in it is 2.3 grams.

When it comes to commercially prepared banana chips Nature’s Promise’s Banana Chips are quite well liked. One fourth cup serving of banana chips available from this brand weighing around 30 grams contains a total of 150 calories out of which 51% calories come from carbohydrates, 46% calories come from fat and the remaining 3% are obtained from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of these chips is 8 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 20 grams and protein content in it is 1 gram.