How Many Calories in Monkfish

Monkfish, known to be rich in proteins also contains various other micronutrients. The number of calories in monkfish varies based on its method of preparation.

A 3 oz serving of raw monkfish contains 65 calories out of which 82% calories are obtained from proteins and the remaining 18% calories come from fats. The total fat content in an equal serving of raw monkfish is 1.29 grams consisting of 0.289 grams of saturated fat content, 0.518 gram of polyunsaturated fat content and 0.204 grams of monounsaturated fat content. The total cholesterol content in a 3 oz serving of raw monkfish is 21 mg, sodium content in it is 15 mg, potassium content is 340 mg and protein content in it is 12.31 grams. It also contains some amount of various vitamins and minerals.

Monkfish Calories

One ounce of raw monkfish has 21.546 calories. It contains a total of 0.431 grams of fat content, 4.1 grams of proteins, 7.087 mg of cholesterol, 5.103 mg of sodium, 11.34 IU of vitamin A, 0.283 mg of vitamin C, 2.268 mg of calcium and 0.091 mg of iron.

A 3 oz serving of cooked dry heat monkfish contains a total of 82.45 calories. The total fat content in an equal serving of cooked dry heat monkfish is 1.65 grams, total cholesterol content in it is 27.2 mg, sodium content in it is 19.55 mg, protein content is 15.77 grams, vitamin A content is 39.1 IU, vitamin C content is 0.85 mg, calcium content is 8.5 mg and iron content is 0.349 mg.

Steamed monkfish tastes delicious with lemon juice sprinkled on it. Each serving of steamed monkfish with lemon contains 98 calories. The total protein content in an equal serving of similarly prepared monk fish is 19 grams. Monkfish can be prepared in a number of other ways and the calorie content in it varies depending upon the way it is cooked.