How Many Calories in a Tortilla

The calorie content in Tortilla varies based on its method of preparation as well as serving size. One medium serving size of Tortilla contains 101 calories out of which 18 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of tortilla is 2.01 grams including 0.445 gram of saturated fat, 0.571 gram of polyunsaturated fat and 0.871 gram of monounsaturated fat. The sodium and potassium content in an equal quantity of Tortilla is 129 mg and 65 mg respectively. The carbohydrate content in a medium serving of Tortilla is 18.24 gram, dietary fiber content is 1.8 gram, sugar content is 0.53 gram and total protein content is 2.66 grams. Tortilla also contains essential minerals such as iron and calcium.

Tortilla Calories

There are different kinds of Tortillas available in the market and the calorie content in each of these varies from the other to some extent. One of these is Discovery soft flour tortilla. The calorie content in one serving of Discovery soft flour tortilla which weighs around 39 grams is 116 kcal. The total protein content in an equal quantity of Discovery soft flour tortilla is 2.9 grams, carbohydrates content is 19.8 grams, fat content is 2.8 grams and fiber content is 0.6 gram. The calorie content in 100 grams of Discovery soft flour tortilla is 298 kcal. The content of other micronutrients also varies in 100 grams of Discovery soft flour tortilla.

Tortilla is used to prepare various food items and the calorie content in each of these varies based on their method of preparation and the ingredients added to these. Tortilla chips are a quite popular snack item. One cup of tortilla chips contains around 156 calories. Tortilla wraps are also well liked by many. A whole wheat tortilla wrap contains 100 calories while a plain flour tortilla wrap has 111 calories.