How Many Calories in a Vinaigrette Salad

Vinaigrette salad tastes delicious but also comes with a good number of calories. There are different Vinaigrette salad dressing preparations available from various brands and the calorie content in each of these is different. Here is a look at the calorie content in different Vinaigrette salad preparations.

Vinaigrette salad dressing available from Cosi is quite well liked. Each serving of this Vinaigrette salad dressing contains a total of 357 calories out of which 98% of the calories are obtained from fat and a mere 2% calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in it is 39 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 2 grams.

Lou Malnati’s sweet vinaigrette salad dressing is also quite popular. One oz of this Vinaigrette salad dressing preparation contains 155 calories out of which 80% of the calories come from fat and the remaining 20% calories come from carbohydrates.


 You may also go for Sweet Tomatoes’ Basil Vinaigrette salad dressing. 2 tablespoon servings of this Vinaigrette salad dressing preparation contains 160 calories out of which 97% of the calories are obtained from fat and the remaining 3% calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in it is 17 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 1 gram.

Kraft’s Greek Vinaigrette salad dressing is another popular choice. Two tablespoon serving of Greek Vinaigrette salad dressing available from Kraft contains 110 calories out of which 93% of the total calories are obtained from fat and the remaining 7% calories are obtained from carbohydrates. The total fat content in it is 11 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 2 grams.

Two tablespoons of Organic Vinaigrette salad dressing available from Bragg contains 90 calories. Out of these 90 calories 87% of the calories are obtained from fat and the remaining 13% calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in it is 9 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 3 grams.