How Many Calories in Vegetable Soup

You may have mixed vegetable soup as well as soup prepared using different vegetables such as Tomato soup, Asparagus soup, Beet soup, Broccoli soup, Mushroom Soup, etc. The calorie content in each of these vegetable soups is different and so is their nutritional value. The calorie content also varies based on the method of preparation as well as the serving size.

One serving of mixed vegetable soup contains around 106 calories out of which around 54 calories come from fat. The total fat content in this soup is 6 grams out of which 0.5 gram is saturated fat. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of mixed vegetable soup is 10 grams, dietary fiber content is 3 grams, protein content is also 3 grams while the sodium content is 470 mg.

Vegetable Soup Calories

One cup of Asparagus soup contains around 118.6 calories out of which 48.6 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of Asparagus soup is 5.4 grams of which 1.8 grams is saturated fat, 1.9 grams is polyunsaturated fat and 1.3 gram is monounsaturated fat. It also contains cholesterol content which is around 10.2 mg, carbohydrate content which is around 13.7 grams, proteins 4.4 grams, sodium content which is 1,022 mg and potassium content.

Beet soup is also well liked by many. One cup of beet soup contains around 78.5 calories out of which around 36 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of beet soup is 4 grams out of which 2.3 grams are saturated fat, 0.24 gram are polyunsaturated fat and 1.2 gram are monounsaturated fat.

One cup of Broccoli Cheese soup which is prepared with milk contains 176 calories. One cup of carrot soup prepared with milk has 60 calories and one cup of delicious mushroom soup has 129 calories.