How Many Calories in Turkey

One cup of cooked Turkey bacon pieces contains 313.2 calories out of which 205.9 calories come from Fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of cooked turkey bacon is 22.9 grams out of which 6.8 grams is saturated fat, 5.6 grams is polyunsaturated fat and 8.9 grams is monounsaturated fat. The total cholesterol content in it is 80.4 mg, sodium content is 1873.7 mg, carbohydrate content is 2.5 grams, potassium content is 323.9 mg, and protein content is 24.3 grams.

One oz of cooked Turkey bacon has 107 calories out of which 70.3 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of cooked Turkey is 7.8 grams of which 2.3 grams are saturated fat, 1.9 grams are polyunsaturated fat and 3.1 grams is monounsaturated fat. It contains other micronutrients such as cholesterol which is 27.4 mg, potassium content is 110.6 mg, sodium content is 639 mg, carbohydrate content is 0.87 grams and protein content is 8.3 grams.

Turkey Calories

A medium slice of cooked Turkey bacon has 42 calories of which 27.6 calories come from fat. The total fat content in equal sized Turkey bacon is 3.1 grams out of which saturated fat content is 0.91 gram, polyunsaturated fat is 0.75 gram and monounsaturated fat content is 1.2 grams. It has 10.8 mg of Cholesterol, 43.4 mg of Potassium, 251.3 mg of Sodium, 3.3 grams of Proteins and 0.34 grams of Carbohydrates.

The calorie content in Turkey also varies based on the way it is prepared. The calories in a roasted turkey are different from that which is boiled/ steamed or grilled. It also varies based on the spices and other ingredients added to it. You may also consume Turkey sandwich which is considered to be a low calorie lunch option as it makes you feel full without adding much calorie content to your diet.