Kids are often fussy about foods, and when its fruits the fuss knows no limits. Despite fruits being one of the most delicious and refreshing form of sweetness, it is often not an easy task to feed fruits to kids. Thanks to the modern machines and kitchen wares as they have made fruits recipes really easy and tempting that even appeals the kids.
Loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibre and raw sugars fruits have never been a lovable food for kids in comparison to confectionery, pastries, and other packaged products. However, here are some exciting ideas to deck up the simple natural fruit in the yummiest possible way to develop the healthiest habit of having at least one fruit a day –
Strawberries with Milk or Yoghurt
This is a delicious shake that can be made with a handful of strawberries loaded with nutrition. Just cut them into pieces and keep them in the grinder now add sugar, milk or yoghurt to it and make it a smoothie; it will be pink in colour and you can ornate it with some herbs and berries pieces just on the froth.
Kebabs made of Fruits
Take the fruit that your kid loves and peel it. Cut it into bite sized pieces and then slide on the fruit cubes on the wooden skewer. You can also get imaginative and cut some of the cubes into attractive shapes like starts, cylinder etc and form a rainbow of fruits.
Banana-Cocoa Toast
Prepare some thinnest slices of toasts and peel 2 bananas, slice them even thinner and use them as toppings on the toast. Sprinkle a little cocoa powder on the bananas and prick them with small and clean sticks. Give this for breakfast – toasted bananas and fruity shakes!
Banana and Strawberry Milkshake
This in recipe you can get the goodness of both the fruits and also milk! Take 5-6 strawberries, and a ripe, peeled off banana and keep in grinder. Add mik and little sugar, whisk until it gets well grinded. If its summer time, you can add a little vanilla ice cream as topping to make it more tempting. Refreshing strawberry slush can be made in the same way by replacing milk with cold water and ice cubes.
Fresh Fruit Salad
This is one of the yummiest dishes that people of all ages prefer. Peel 2-3 types of fruits and cut them into cubes, arrange them attractively in the bowl and splash with orange juice, few drops of lemon juice, and little bit of sugar. If you have yoghurt at home or a creme fraiche, use it as toppings.
Fruit Custard
This is an age old delicacy that never fails with kids. Take a fruit of your kid’s choice and make a blended paste out of it. Add thickened milk or a dollop of yoghurt, sugar and cream to blend it well. Decorate it with some berries and banana slices and refrigerate for about 2-3 hours. It will get well settled into a bowl of yummy custard.