How Many Calories in London Broil

There are a number of methods used o prepare London Broil and the calorie content in each of these preparations is different. This article shares information about the number of calories in a few popular London broil preparations.

Three oz of London broil contains a total of 164.99 calories out of which 60% of the calories are obtained from proteins and 40% calories come from fat. The total fat content in it is 7.08 grams, cholesterol content in it is 46.78 mg, sodium content in it is 47.63 mg, calcium content in it is 12.76 mg, iron content is 1.56 mg and protein content in it is 23.66 grams. Two oz of London broil has a total of 110 calories, four oz contains 220 calories and 6 oz contains a total of 330 calories.


 One oz of London broil beef contains a total of 60.7 calories. The total fat content in it is 3.3 grams, cholesterol content in it is 13 mg, sodium content in it is 27.7 mg, carbohydrate content is 0.3 gram and protein content in it is 7 grams.

One oz of London broil steak after removing fat contains a total of 51 calories, 3 oz of London broil steak after removing fat contains 153 calories and 4 oz contains 204 calories. One oz of London broil with one eighth inch of fat contains 63 calories, 3 oz London broil steak with one eighth inch of fat has 189 calories and 4 oz of London broil with one eighth inch of fat contains a total of 253 calories. On marinating London broil steak the calorie content in it increases.

One piece of cooked London broil without refuse contains a total of 686 calories. The total fat content in it is 28 grams, sodium content in it is 195 mg, potassium content in it is 1410 mg and protein content in it is 101 grams.