How Many Calories in Vermicelli

Vermicelli tastes good and also contains good nutritional value. The calorie content in vermicelli and few of its preparations is given below in detail.

One cup of cooked vermicelli contains a total of 220 calories out of which 80% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 15% calories come from proteins and the remaining 5% calories are obtained from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of cooked vermicelli is 1.29 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 42.95 grams sugar content is 0.78 gram, dietary fiber content is 2.5 grams, protein content in it is 8.07 grams, sodium content in it is 326 mg and potassium content in it is 63 mg.


100 grams of cooked vermicelli contains 157 calories of which just 8 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of cooked vermicelli is 0.92 gram of which 0.175 gram is saturated fat content, 0.317 grams is polyunsaturated fat content and 0.13 gram is monounsaturated fat content. The total sodium content in it is 233 mg, potassium content in it is 45 mg, total carbohydrate content in it is 30.68 grams and protein content is 5.77 grams.

Vermicelli rice noodles are also well liked. These are light and healthy. One cup of cooked vermicelli rice noodles contain a total of 192 calories of which 95% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 3% come from proteins and 2% are obtained from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of vermicelli rice noodles is 0.35 gram, carbohydrate content in it is 43.82 grams and protein content in it is 1.6 grams.

Vietnamese vermicelli bowl with chicken is a scrumptious combination. One bowl of this vermicelli preparation contains a total of 417 calories out of these 50% of the calories come from fat, 33% calories come from proteins and 17% calories come from carbohydrates.