How Many Calories in Strawberry Juice

Strawberry juice is delicious and also contains good nutritional value. Plain strawberry juice tastes good however many people prefer adding sugar, salt, lemon and other ingredients to it in order to enhance its taste. Oranges, bananas and other fruits are also added to strawberry juice in order to make it more nutritious. The calorie content in strawberry juice varies based on the ingredients added.

One cup of strawberry juice contains a total of 90 calories out of which 83% calories come from carbohydrates, 14% calories come from fat and the remaining 3% are obtained from proteins. The total fat content in an equal quantity of strawberry juice is 1.42 grams consisting of 0.043 grams of saturated fat content, 0.815 grams of polyunsaturated fat and 0.137 gram of monounsaturated fat content. The sodium content I it is 2 mg, potassium content is 320 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 18.49 grams and protein content is 0.71 gram. It is also a rich source of vitamin C.


One oz of strawberry juice contains 11 calories. The total fat content in an equal serving of strawberry juice is 0.17 gram, protein content is 0.09 gram and carbohydrate content in it is 2.21 grams and 100 grams has a total of 38 calories.

Strawberry Juice with orange and banana also tastes delicious. One cup of this juice contains a total of 108 calories of which 97% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 3% calories come from fat. None of the calories in this juice are obtained from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of strawberry juice with orange and banana is 0.35 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 29.18 grams and protein content in it is 0.98 gram. 100 ml of this juice contains a total of 45 calories and one oz contains 13 calories.