How Many Calories in Soy Flour

Soy Flour is available in different forms and the calorie content in it varies based on this factor. Soy flour is full of nutrition and is thus recommended by nutritionists.

One tablespoon of defatted Soy flour contains a total of 20 calories out of which 50% calories are obtained from proteins, 47% calories come from carbohydrates and a mere 3% calories come from fats. The total fat content in it is 0.08 gram, total carbohydrate content in it is 2.38 grams, protein content is 2.91 grams, potassium content in it is 148 mg and sodium content in it is 1 mg. One oz of defatted soy flour contains 94 calories, 100 grams of defatted soy flour contains 330 calories.

Soy Flour Calories

One tablespoon of low fat soy flour also contains 20 calories. However unlike defatted soy flour 43% of the calories in low fat soy flour are obtained from proteins, 42% calories come from carbohydrates and 15% calories come from fats. The total fat content in an equal quantity of low fat soy flour is 0.37 gram, total fat content in it is 2.09 grams and protein content in it is 2.56 grams.

Full fat soy flour is also preferred by many. One tablespoon of full fat soy flour contains a total of 23 calories out of which 40% calories are obtained from fats, 33% calories come from carbohydrates and 27% calories come from proteins. One oz of full fat soy flour contains 124 calories, one cup of stirred full fat soy flour contains 366 calories and 100 grams of full fat soy flour contains 436 calories.

One cup of full fat roasted soy flour contains 375 calories out of which 41% calories come from fat, 31% calories are obtained from carbohydrates and 28% calories come from proteins. Consuming one cup of low fat crude protein basis soy flour means taking in 325 calories out of which 48% calories come from proteins, 37% from carbohydrates and 15% calories come from fats.