Red Cherry is a juicy fruit which is often grown in bunches and is derived from Prunus Avium. This fruit is red or maroon in color and is widely grown and eaten in temperate latitudes. The peak season for cherries is in the summer time and in some countries; they may even grow in winters. Raw cherries may provide very little nutrition benefits per 100 grams serving but it contain a lot of vitamin C and this surely is one of its health benefits. Depending upon the usage and way of consumption, the nutritional value and caloric content of red cherries might vary.
Safeway is a famous company which sells red cherries. The nutrition grade which has been given to red cherries sold by this company is D+. 5 pieces of these red cherries contain about 80 calories in total. Of these 80 calories, 7% come from carbohydrates. These red cherries are given a low nutritional grade because they contain a lot of sugar. But on the other hand, the fact that they contain no saturated fat, no cholesterol and no sodium makes them quite healthy to eat.
Sour red cherries are another variant of red cherries which is available and grown in many parts of the world. The nutrition grade given to these cherries is A. 1 cup of these calories contains 71 calories and weighs 155 grams. 1% of these 71 calories come from total fat, 1% comes from saturated fat, 6% come from carbohydrates and 10% come from dietary fiber content. There is high amount of vitamin A, iron, calcium and vitamin C in these red cherries and these are some good points about it. But high sugar can be considered as a negative point.