How Many Calories in Iced Tea

There are different kinds of iced tea available in the market. You may consume sweetened iced tea, unsweetened ice tea, flavored iced tea and various other kinds of iced tea. The number of calories in a few kinds of iced tea is mentioned below in detail.

One cup of iced tea weighing around 8 fl oz contains a total of 90 calories and all of these calories are obtained from carbohydrates. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of iced tea contains a total of 23.44 grams, sodium content in it is 6 mg, potassium content in it is 74 mg and protein content in it is 0.02 grams. One fl oz of iced tea contains 11 calories, 100 ml contains 38 calories and 1 can contains 129 calories.


Unsweetened iced tea is very low in calories. One cup of unsweetened iced tea weighing around 8 fl oz contains merely 2 calories of which 97% of the calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 3% calories come from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in it is 0.67 gram and protein content in it is 0.02 gram. 100 ml of unsweetened iced tea contains just 1 calorie one can of unsweetened iced tea has a total of 3 calories and 1 bottle of this iced tea preparation weighing around 16 fl oz contains 4 calories.

Lemonade Iced Tea available from Snapple is quite popular. Consuming 8 fl oz of Lemonade iced tea available here means taking in 110 calories and 100% of these calories come from carbohydrates. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of this iced tea preparation is 28 grams. Lipton’s Diet Pure Leaf iced tea is also well liked and it does not even contain any calorie content. Crystal Light’s sugar free iced tea is also a good option. One eighth tub serving of this iced tea preparation contains just 5 calories.