How Many Calories in Honeydew Melon

Honeydew melon which is known for offering a good amount of Vitamin C and low in fat is quite a delicious fruit. There are 59.5 calories in one cup of raw diced honeydew melon which contains around 20 pieces. Out of these 59.5 calories just 1.5 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of honey dew melon is 0.17 gram out of which saturated fat content is 0.043 gram, polyunsaturated fat content is 0.066 gram and monounsaturated fat content is 0.0034 gram. The carbohydrate content in it is 15.6 grams, sodium content is 17 mg, potassium content is 460 mg, dietary fiber content is 1 gram and protein content is 0.78 gram.

Honeydew Melon Calories

One cup balls of raw honeydew contain around 61.9 calories out of which just 1.6 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of honeydew melon is 0.18 gram out of which saturated fat content is 0.044 gram, polyunsaturated fat content is 0.069 gram and monounsaturated fat content is 0.0035 gram. The total sodium and potassium content in it is 17.7 mg and 479.7 mg respectively. The total protein content in it is 0.81 gram, carbohydrate content is 16.2 grams and dietary fiber content is 1.1 gram.

One oz of raw honeydew melon contains around 9.9 calories. Out of these 9.9 calories just 0.26 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of raw honeydew melon is 0.028 gram out of which the saturated fat content is 0.0071 gram, polyunsaturated fat content is 0.011 gram and monounsaturated fat content is 0.00057 gram. The total protein content in it is 0.13 gram, carbohydrate content is 2.6 gram, dietary fiber content is 0.17 gram, potassium content is 76.8 mg and sodium content is 2.8 mg. It also contains traces of various essential minerals and vitamins.