How many Calories in Guava Juice

Guava is a fruit of tropical region that can be eaten raw as well as cooked. The guava juice contains very less calories and is rich in fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C offering lots of health benefits. It is also very rich in minerals and carbohydrates.

A cup of guava juice contains 112 calories that are very beneficial during the weight management. Out of 112 calories, 24 grams come from the carbohydrates, and 8.9 grams come from the fibers, 4.2 grams come from the protein, and 1.6 grams come from the fat. Also, 1030IU comes from vitamin A, 376 milligrams come from vitamin C, 30 milligrams of the total calories come from calcium, and 0.4 milligrams come from iron.

Calories in Guava Juice
Calories in Guava Juice

Guava juice offers many health benefits such as appetite control, improving the levels of blood cholesterol, alleviating the constipation. It also strengthens the bones and eyes enhancing the development and growth of your body. The guava juice also fulfills the needs of potassium and copper in your body improving the functioning of nerves, blood vessels and brain. It also contains selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium.

The guava peel if included in the guava juice can be very beneficial in fighting with the diabetes. The consumption of guava juice regularly helps in reducing the cholesterol levels along with decreasing the blood sugar. But you must consult your physician before you include guava peels in your guava juice for treating the diabetes.

The guava juice is also very beneficial in fighting with the various cardiovascular diseases and hence prevents blood clots. The extract of the guava leaves can prevent you from diarrhea along with removing the free radicals from your body through the antioxidants present in the extract of the guava leaves. The extract of guava leaves has also proved to be very beneficial in fighting with the gastric cancer.